Saturday 21 January 2012

-introductory paragraph-

I am sick of my family complaining about what time I get up in the morning (afternoon). The way they frown upon it, you would have thought I'd committed mass genocide,  not wake up at just gone midday on a Saturday. They all seem to think I sleep for like 15 hours at a time just because I wake up in the afternoon, when in actual fact I probably sleep less than around 7 hours a night on weekend because of the time I go to sleep. I can't think of a time in my life when I could go to sleep quickly and whenever I wanted to. I can remember being about seven, tossing and turning in my bed, struggling to sleep every night. To help pass time, at about midnight, I used the lights from the passing cars to create shadow puppets. I had two characters, the same ones every night, a bunny and rock (I wasn't a very creative child, I know). I used to create little scenes with them fighting, the bunny nearly always won - bunnies are cool. I've been the same for years, on an average night with no school in the morning, I would probably get to sleep at about 2-4 o'clock in the morning. I used to think it was psychological thing, every night before to sleep I just think something along the lines of, "I don't want to sleep, what a waste of time, I'm missing out on so much" after that thought, I would usually put the T.V on or something, so I mentally knew I wasn't wasting time. After looking it up, I've self-diagnosed myself with 'delayed sleep phase syndrome' (that's what us 21st Century kids do, scare our selves shitless by googling symptoms and then thinking we're going to die). All it basically is, you have a certain time when you go to sleep and you can't go to sleep before that, but you sleep for the same amount as 'normal' people, unlike insomnia. There's more information about it here, if you're curious (or just want a reason to stop reading this pointless blog).

My little cousin is sleeping tonight. He is actually obsessed with me. If I buy a Doctor Who figure (don't judge me), he'll have it the next day. When asking him about his new haircut, he replied, "I'm growing to the same length as yours". Last year, I redecorated my bedroom (it has a London theme), then just a few months later, I walk into his room and was greeted by a large collection of red double-deckers, black and white collages featuring a range of London landmarks and a couple of phoneboxes added to the mix. He had copied me bedroom! He even had the same wallpaper! Then just this afternoon, he created a 'Moshi Monsters' account on my laptop, when I took it to enter my email address (I pretended I was his parent...), I noticed his new user names was "Josh7474". My name?! He's harmless though, I suppose. 

All I've done today, really is eat (I sometimes struggle to differentiate boredom and hunger). So I'm going to end the blog now and continue eating. Talk to you tomorrow!
Joshua x

pretty picture:
rabbits are cool (/creepy ninjas)
Finished: 21/01/12 - 23:50

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